Im Rahmen der LVA an der TU Wien entwickelte Apps und Spiele geben ausschließlich die Meinung der beitragenden Studierenden wider und reflektieren nicht die Meinung der TU Wien. Außerdem haftet die TU Wien nicht für etwaige Urheberrechtsverletzungen, sondern ausschließlich die beitragenden Studierenden.
A university project with Christoff Kügler
A two player asymmetrical PVP game. One player has the role of “Wobotka”, a sort of watchman sitting on a tower, watching over his house and more specifically its four doors, controlling a searchlight. The other player has the role of the intruder, whose mission it is to find one of the four doors and leave a package in front of it. If the intruder manages to find a door and leave a package without being caught in the vicinity of the package (as in revealed by Wobotka’s searchlight), they score a point. Likewise, “Wobotka” scores a point whenever they reveal an intruder.
All characters and events, including the locations, are fictitious, and any resemblance to living or deceased persons and places is coincidental.
The game is made using the Unity Engine and its VR features and is optimised on META Quest 2 as well as HTC Vive. It uses PUN2 for the multiplayer elements.
Hand-controller animation beyond standard buttons using hand models that play certain animations, depending on the players’ inputs
Internal emote exchange for communication - making the game more fun, the intruder can send some emoticons to Wobotka and vice versa to taunt
Spatial audio - Wobotka can hear where the outside player wanders around in his garden, as there are footsteps coming from the intruder's location when they move
Haptics with vibrations
Mini-map of the virtual environment updated for both players