Integrating GPU-based fluid simulation with Metaball rendering

Eine Bachelorarbeit entstanden an der Universitetet i Bergen


“An ex-ante prototype for this thesis’ simulation illustrates the velocity vector field of the simulated fluid in a 800x800 grid. An impulse is added by dragging the mouse cursor through the window. The impulse force is then advected and diffused through the fluid. The colours in this figure represent the forces’ properties, the more opaque a colour, the stronger the force – hence, a mitigating effect can be observed in the waves spreading from the input. The forces are also colour-coded, a force towards the upper right corner is yellow, likewise, clockwise, the other corners are red, blue and green.”


“The droplets mode generates random positions and applies uniform forces at them. This results in a series of droplets in the force field, as illustrated in the 2D ex-ante version in.”


“Fluid merging at the bottom of the volume … particles not having any form of collision detection either, clumping of large amountsof particles cannot be prevented.”


“Fluid sinking to bottom of volume due to gravity constant … under perfect conditions though and staying within the limits of these perfect conditions, visually pleasing results can be created.”


“Fluid being pushed against a wall not ricocheting from it … An issue that could be fixed in future work, provided a set of features, such as - collision detection, manual swirls and a separate velocity texture to handle boundary collisions.”