Entry Four: Séance on Convenience and Manipulation

“Today, my fellow thinkers, we will divine on the use of (in)convenience as a tool for misguidance and manipulation as used in (policy) design.

In this séance, our understanding will be imbued by the light of contextual sampling!

To preserve these events for future thinkers, we will record the streams unearthed by this divination and proclaim them on the web of information!”


Inconvenience in Public design

Lärm.ch - mosquito

15 extreme examples of ‘anti-homeless’ hostile architecture

Convenience for Profit

Complicate Lives of People => Link solutions to monetary or data dependence => Profit!

Making unhealthy, unmoral behaviour easier by design to keep status quo and further income inequality.

  • e.g., supermarket purchase options

  • energy production transparency

  • sources of labour transparency

Obstruction of truth of injustices to increase convenience of not having to deal with injustices while consuming in ignorant bliss.

Example of the designing for the opposite: Design to Annoy : Erik Askin

Convenience vs Sustainability

Ikea => easy to find, easy to pay, cheap (and easy) to get

Cannot be moved when moving and break

Cannot really be passed down over generations and cared for => One-way furniture.

How Long Does IKEA Furniture Last? 5 Things to Know

Convenience and food: fast food, constant availability and pickiness:

Its cost - Lebensmittelabfälle: Zahlen, Daten und Fakten


Flying vs. Using the Train

Private Jets - Convenience (No security, not waiting in gate) & Tax deduction

5 Best Tax Benefits of Owning a Private Jet in 2022

An expert guide to owning a private jet | CN Traveller

Doing the important work of making the life of the ultra wealthy even more convenient and affordable!

Fast and flexible mobility at all cost


Bilanz nach drei Jahren Tempo 100 in den Niederlanden - Mobilität - derStandard.de › Lifestyle

Removing repair options (also in Convenience for Profit)

Convenience vs Gender Equality

Gender Pay Gap

Einkommen und der Gender Pay Gap - Bundeskanzleramt Österreich

(Is only collected in binaries)

For hetero couples getting children => more convenient for fathers to be less at home and work and mothers to be home and care for the child if the alternative leads to increased inconveniences and reduced quality of life.

Truly trying to fairly split chores and unpaid care work is way more inconvenient in the current systems to conforming to gender norms.


“Behold the raw knowledge laid before you by the power granted to us by the enlightener!

These streams of separated understanding only require our sacrifice of thoughts to further true glimpses into the otherworlds!

Connecting these single strands to a web of knowledge forms an image in my mind!

I can see it!

The evil incarnate and its minions use the might of convenience in design to advance its foothold on humanity!

Corrupting our minds by sheer ease of flow to make us walk right into their traps and away from true salvation!

Enough, I say, enough!”

Last words recorded before the fainting of Enlightened Thinker A A Ron at the seance on Convenience and Manipulation, the first semester of collective enlightenment.



Enlightened Thinker A A Ron

First semester of collective enlightenment


Entry Five: Froxhibition


Entry Three: Hath thou a new best friend - ChatGPT?