Entry Eight: World Building


The object is not an object per se. It’s not really a being either though, it does posses a human consciousness, it is self-aware and this is what the series plays with. The thing described here is obviously the sex android referred to before. It and its fellow… ?beings? have effectively replaced all human sexual intercourse. There is no more sex between two human individuals, at least not in what is considered “normal”. Socially, this has lead to a marginalisation of humans participating in kinky human-human sex.

As for who is using them - the more interesting question is who isn’t using the androids. Much like nowadays with sexual abuse of minors, especially the social elites, as in the rich and famous of this world tend to “organise” rings in which they abuse real humans to satisfy their kinks.

As with everything that has become a norm, there is no concrete why. It’s a historically grown concept that is deeply routed in the culture of this world.

The androids are used all over the world and I would love an establishing shot of them being used in different countries – with models that are adjusted to the nationals of the country. Maybe we show a website where somebody in say Europe orders an Asian-looking android, selecting phenotypes from some sort of selection menu.

The big break in this is twofold. For one – our  protagonists realise how they, supposedly “normal” people, are into what is now seen as “forbidden” and “wrong”. Secondly, however, this obviously bags the question in which way these androids have to be considered on a level with actual humans in their rights. Can they consent to certain actions? Should they have to consent? Is their purpose predefined by their makers? What is their impact on religion? This fucks a lot of the concepts our world now operates on.

Lastly, the plotline will investigate how certain collectives abuse all of this even further by selling jail-breaked androids as “real humans” to the abuse rings mentioned earlier.




what is it, what does it do, what can you do with it, what is it meant to do, what role does it play in people’s lives, what effect does it have on societal inequalities, what effect does it have on the environment, …

It is called ‘memoriser’ and it let’s you download memories of others to allow you to learn skills and acquire knowledge from them.

It works while you sleep, so you wake up with newly acquired knowledge. There are only so many memories the memoriser can implant and old memories fade when the capacity is filled with new ones.

The operation to implant the memoriser is heavily intrusive but nowadays routine and not feared by most.

People are clearly separated along the lines of usage: if people do not use them, they are seen as pure by some and as not completely finished humans by most.

Children are prohibited from implanting the memoriser as to not inhibit the development of the brain.

Since access to new memories has to be open, the resulting effect on inequalities is a positive one: most everyone can be equipped to do any job in a short amount of time. Furthermore, most people like doing jobs for which they recently memorised new skills.

Therefore, the perspective on work is less focussed on prestige and status and focusses more on what has to be done. With this new perspective, all work that has to be done was valued equally and is therefore compensated accordingly.

There is however one group of people that stand out: people who provide new memories and skills or (less often) update old skills with new knowledge. They are often colloquially called ‘immortals’, since a part of them long surpasses their death.


who is it intended for, who actually uses it, who produces it, who opposes it, who embraces it, whom does it positively affect, whom does it negatively affect, …

The memoriser is intended for everyone, so long as they are old enough. Through societal pressure, most people also use the memoriser. It is produced in big public factories which are managed as public companies with the first goal being to produce memorisers with the best impacts on its society.

Through this distributed ownership, many citizens strongly identify with memorisers and the society it has granted them with little questioning of what further consequences its use might entail.

There are a few who oppose its use but they are actively excluded from society. These are people wanting to remain pure humans (often ‘as god created them’). By doctrine, they systematically do not support body modification. However, most followers simply do not like what the use of the memoriser did to their society. Their opposition stems from the fact that people become less individual, if they are implanted with the same memories of thousands of other people.

While there are still differences between people even having the same memories memorised, the inherent conformity to the norm provided by the memories is frightening to the purists.

Therefore, its use has both positive and negative effects on users. It allows them to quickly acquire new skills and transformed society to value work as such.

However, individuality and diversity decreased, as the influence of the few immortals on many through placement of their memories has an intense impact towards conformity, making some question if individuality is lost.


why do people use it, why does it exist, why is it the way it is and not different, …

The why was hinted to earlier, but if people do not use it, they are shunned from society. The main argument for this exclusion that is often given by politicians is that they cannot do what needs to be done because they cannot retrain quickly enough to fill the shoes society expects them to fill. However, the truth is often more banal: they are often feared because they are different.

It was historically created as a means to transfer knowledge from people leaving the workforce in an ever older society. With not enough young people to maintain the status quo, people were working longer into their old age and had less time to train new people reinforcing the problem. The memoriser was an aim to provide a technical solution.

It leverages memories which are implanted during sleep, since it was the first thing that worked. While its hardware components were optimised over time and different styles for outside representations are available, the inside stayed basically the same, because it worked and there was little pressure to innovate it further.


where is it produced, where is it useddeployed, …/

As mentioned earlier, it is produced by public companies running factories with the goal of social stability and their view of what is good for the people.

Purists and children of course have no say in these companies, as they are not fully seen as human.

It is used for work and pleasure in various ways, mainly to acquire new skills which are used for work and leisure time.

There is an underground market to share forbidden memories with jailbroken memorisers. These include many extreme experiences like murder (giving and receiving), various sexual experiences and extrasensory experiences (e.g., heavy drug use without actual consumption). While this use is currently on the low end and socially not accepted, it is a rising issue.


when do you use it, when does it break, …

Breaking is usually prevented through regular checkups similar to regular doctors visits, as wear is detected and counteracted through maintenance or replacement before they break.

Sometimes there are manufacturing issues leading to medical emergencies, which are however not common.

There are some people, however, for which memorisers continue to break consistently. They are colloquially also dubbed ‘malfunctions’ and pitied by society. Depending in how they integrate into the workforce they are tolerated but seldomly integrated into society. Therefore, they often join purist communities.


how can it be misused or hacked, how can you fix it if it breaks, how is it produced, how do people use it differently, how could it evolve, …

Since use, misuse, malfunction and production have already been covered, I will mainly cover how it could evolve.

This society has a hard value lock-in with the same values of few immortals being propagated through the implantation of their memories, even though most of them are long dead (in the physical sense).

Therefore, it is hard to imagine a near future, where there would be many changes apart from small incremental improvements to the memoriser.




ET A A Ron and Thug Konstantin

The union of two cultists forever in frog


Entry Seven: Frog Mirrors