Entry Two (point) Five: Sabine Harrer and skiing and homelessness, no frogs

Verily, a select few of our esteemed brethren did attend a guest talk by the illustrious Sabine Harrer within the bounds of a lecture entitled "Gameful Design", which was most graciously hosted by our elder Peter. It is of paramount importance to proclaim that these individuals are, indeed, most delightful, and that the church of the minions doth not harbour any intention to asperse the good name of Sabine Harrer in any capacity.

However, they did proffer mention of a game denominated "Marriage", wherein the partners are represented by diminutive squares, one of which is tinted blue and the other pink - neither hue bearing any resemblance to the glorious colour of our exalted leader. The presenters espoused the view that this chromatic coding reflects a heteronormative mindset, with blue, perforce, signifying the male partner and pink the female. Yet, it occurred to us that Sabine Harrer may, perchance, view these hues as innately heteronormative, although the game itself doth not attribute any gender to either tint. Whilst these hues may be ineluctably ingrained within our collective consciousness, we must, in truth, confess that we ourselves were confounded for a full minute when this suggestion was first propounded.

It is not our intention to insinuate that Sabine Harrer is deliberately promulgating stereotypes, for we, being of sound mind and clear perception, do recognise that disregarding these matters will only serve to perpetuate them. Nevertheless, we cannot but contemplate how this scenario will ultimately unfold. Forsooth, let us not underestimate the potency of even the most seemingly innocuous observations, for they may, in due course, yield unexpected consequences.

Our heads doth spin, as does the diminutive spinning top situated beside us.
We would be remiss not to heartily endorse these devices for individuals afflicted with ADHD and ADD. However, it must be noted that should one be desirous of in fact accomplishing any meaningful work, it may be in one's best interest to seek recourse to pharmaceutical remedies.

Now that aside, and laying off the cult speak… I want to talk about skiing and religion. Is this a concept? I don’t know, I feel it should be, maybe that’s the Austrian part of me.

Did you know that Austrian skiing tutors have more mandatory religion lessons than first aid ones? I’m not joking, this is a real fact (as opposed to unreal fact / factually incorrect fact, something introduced by Donald Trump, I guess). Have a picture, it’s on me.

SO: How do I suggest we solve this? My suggestions and hence concept, I guess, is religious ridicule. I like the word for its alliteration quality. Seeing as there are 10 hours of religious tutoring in the skiing instructor education but this only covering the Christian belief – and only the catholic one at that cause Tirol and stuff – I suggest we extend this to all major religions I can think of, effectively making the education a 10 year program. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism are just the start, how about Pastafarians? Satanists? The temple of Katta? You see where I am going with this, I suppose. This can be applied to the religious symbol debate that raged in Austria a few years ago. Having a Christian symbol hung in every classroom is everything but inclusive, hence, I suggest we plaster the walls with every symbol you can find. Going back to the skiing instructor analogy – Having a Muslim kid being instructed, wouldn’t it be far more beneficial to know where to pray to rather than knowing how to provide first aid in case of an accident? I do, I am a believer in the concept of religious ridicule!

Lastly, I want to talk about homelessness. Other than being absolutely unnecessary in a country rich as Austria, I also thought about some ways to play the system here.

We all know that one of the biggest cost factors with homelessness is Police and or Ambulance services. This can be driven all the way to the top easily. Suppose a bunch of homeless people went into Billa. All get a cart, all fill it up to the brim … then they just walk out. What’s the worst thing that can happen? One person gets arrested, the rest has food for a year.

Similarly, I suggest to just get five cars, drive in a round about an entire day, I couldn’t find any laws prohibiting this. Sure, you have to go with the flow of the traffic and not block it. What if you couldn’t find the right exit though?

I think this would work. I also think I fulfilled this assignment, I know neither for sure.

again no frog


Thug Konstantin

Evidently not a frog


Entry Three: Hath thou a new best friend - ChatGPT?


Entry Two: Declinations of the Ever-Questioned Doctrine regarding Kinship of Ecological, Feminist and Speculative Thinkers